Pruthviraj Patil, 11, suffers from a rare genetic disorder known as hypertrichosis - or "werewolf syndrome" - which causes a thick coat of hair to grow over every inch of his body except his palms and feet. Read on>>>
Werewolf Syndrome
Hypertrichosis is a medical term, also known as "Werewolf syndrome", referring to a condition of excessive body hair. It can be generalized, symmetrically affecting most of the torso and limbs, or localized, affecting an area of skin. It may be mild or severe. In most cases, the term is used to refer to an above-average amount of normal body hair that is unwanted and is an aspect of human variability. Source -
Strange i would try everything to get rid of all that hair. There are two brothers worst than him in Mexico. They have hair over 80% of their body.
Really? Well maybe on the face but it grows at a rapid pace so why bother. It's like telling yourself not to breathe. You would have to dwell on bottles and bottles of Nair or razors if you prefer. People should be more accepting though. Practise a little more empathy.